The Ogdoad Purification


I have been wanting to develop a purification prayer for myself for a while now, and am delighted to share with you all what I have written! This prayer is meant to be said before ritual, as a way of entering a meditative state. It can also be used as a litany for purification in times of stress. The Ogdoad are primeval gods of Hermopolis, central figures of its creation myth. The goal of this prayer is to connect the devotee to the tranquil state of the universe before creation and the endless potential therein.

This prayer is best enjoyed with a bowl of natron water, to add a layer of physical cleansing, but can be performed on its own. Before you begin, I recommend taking a moment to close your eyes and slow your breathing.

May Ptah-Djehuty and the Ogdoad bring you lightness of heart and brightness of ma'at.

Say the words:

Before there was time, there was eternity.
The stillness of my body is the stillness of eternity.
I am pure in this, my name of Heh.
I am pure in this, my name of Hehet.

Before there was light, there was darkness.
The stillness of my eyes is the stillness of darkness.
I am pure in this, my name of Kek.
I am pure in this, my name of Keket.

Before there was the seen, there was the hidden.
The stillness of my soul is the stillness of the hidden.
I am pure in this, my name of Amun.
I am pure in this, my name of Amunet.

Before there was the earth, there were the primeval waters.
The stillness of my breath is the stillness of the primeval waters.
I am pure in this, my name of Nun.
I am pure in this, my name of Naunet.

I am Ptah-Djehuty, whose voice speaks ma'at.
I am pure, I am pure, I am pure, I am pure.